Friday, May 06, 2005

Top Hat

first off i must apologize to my fellow bloggers. it has been over a month since i've posted. i am not the only one who hasn't posted anything for awhile. where is everyone??? i see that Eric is back posting, and Tara seems to be the only one posting on a regular basis. are we too busy or too lazy?

i guess for me its been a little of both. april flew by. i took my son and his best friend to a sf giants game. it was for his birthday. they had a blast. it cracked me up listening to two ten year old boys all day long. then there was the pinewood derby. then a camping trip. and between all of this has been baseball games and practices. now suddenly its may.

i will admit i have also been unsure of posting lately. i don't know what to post. i have been feeling a little on the depressed side and try like hell to not feel that way. some days are easier than others.

so for now, happy friday and don't forget mother's day on sunday!