Thursday, January 19, 2006

Welcome Back

Hello all! It has been many, many months since I have posted anything. No excuse really, just have been very busy. Let's see if I can give a brief summary since I last posted.

September: I spent Labor Day weekend in San Francisco with a friend and had a great time! We did the tourist thing, went to Alcatraz, I made her ride a cable car, went to Fisherman's Wharf, Ghiradelli Square, went dancing at a few clubs, I got her drunk. Fun was had by all! ;) The boys started playing soccer. And we went on two camping trips. A busy month.

October: The baseball season ended and the Giants didn't do too well. At least they finished the season ahead of the Dodgers. Soccer still going, and one more camping trip before it gets too cold. Halloween came and went, my oldest was a nerd, and his brother was a baseball player.

November: Soccer is finally over. Thanksgiving was nice. Spent the holiday at my mom's, helped her cook and bake. My youngest son named the turkey Bob. So we feasted on Bob and had a good laugh. Oh, I can't forget to tell you, I had two dates this month. I thought everything went great, thought there was chemistry, but apparently I was wrong. Never heard from the guy after the second time we met. I keep telling myself it's his loss.

December: Oh yippeee...Christmas. (did you detect the sarcasm?) So the month started with a ladies Christmas tea at church, and the boys were in the Christmas parade for scouts. I went on another first date, and once again, nothing. Had my birthday, it was nice, spent it with my friends. Christmas came and went. The boys enjoyed themselves and thats what matters. Spent New Year's Eve at home watching movies and stopped long enough at midnight to watch the ball drop.

Now it's January. The boys are getting ready to play baseball. Little League sign ups are this month. My oldest crosses over into boy scouts soon, so that is keeping us busy. Work is busy, but it always is. I think thats about it. Gotta get back to work.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

No Title

it has been brought to my attention that i haven't posted anything in quite awhile.

here's an update on the last three months (really not that exciting):

my oldest son played little league thru june.
my youngest played t-ball and was totally bored with it for six weeks.
i got a promotion, working in the same department.
the boys were off track in july and kept busy with vacation bible school, scouts, and camping.
school started last monday.
the giants aren't playing too well this season. i have taken the boys to four games and we have only seen the giants win one out of the four, but the boys love to go.
work has been very busy, it was the end of the fiscal year at the end of june. since then things have slowed down a bit. (hence the blogging)

yep, thats about it for now.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Top Hat

first off i must apologize to my fellow bloggers. it has been over a month since i've posted. i am not the only one who hasn't posted anything for awhile. where is everyone??? i see that Eric is back posting, and Tara seems to be the only one posting on a regular basis. are we too busy or too lazy?

i guess for me its been a little of both. april flew by. i took my son and his best friend to a sf giants game. it was for his birthday. they had a blast. it cracked me up listening to two ten year old boys all day long. then there was the pinewood derby. then a camping trip. and between all of this has been baseball games and practices. now suddenly its may.

i will admit i have also been unsure of posting lately. i don't know what to post. i have been feeling a little on the depressed side and try like hell to not feel that way. some days are easier than others.

so for now, happy friday and don't forget mother's day on sunday!

Friday, April 01, 2005


happy April Fool's to all!

not too much happening. tuesday will be my oldest son's birthday. he'll be 10. unbelievable.

anyone want a gmail invite?

have a good weekend!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Super Size Me

boy its been awhile. my mood is still funky, but what the hell.

spring has sprung. at least for this week. the weather has been beautiful. its been so nice to not have to wear stockings.

i decided to give up carbs, starches and sugars for lent. what a sacrifice. i crave bread soooo much!

boys are keeping me busy as usual. little league tryouts were last weekend. my youngest misseed the cutoff for machine pitch by two days, so hes gonna play t-ball. i have a feeling he will get totally bored.

found out SF friend has a girlfriend. not sure how i feel about it. i know we're just friends, but its weird. i haven't talked to him too much lately.

well, thats it for now. should be good enough for ya'll ;) for awhile anyways.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Joe Versus the Volcano

i haven't felt like posting much lately.

my mood has been a bit on the ick side.

Monday, January 24, 2005


ok, i have posted the pics that my SF friend took when we went shopping. i'm still figuring out how to use Hello, so, be patient.

weekend was good. nothing exciting happened. boys played basketball, did laundry and cleaned house, and went to church. what an exciting life.

i have officially taken up knitting. so far so good. except i am a perfectionist and get a little impatient with myself. i am attempting to make a scarf. the yarn is gorgeous, cream color with silver thread.

have some office gossip to share. i am not one to gossip in the office, but i figure i could blog the gossip. there is one person in the office who is a stick in the mud. tradition around here is that when its your birthday you bring goodies to share. well, she doesn't. but when someone else brings treats, she pigs out. an example, i have a candy dish on my desk, i keep it filled all the time, usually with chocolate of some kind. everyone has been helping themselves, i have no problem with that, but they will also bring candy to replenish it. she on the other hand eats a ton and won't replenish. i kept track the other day (i know thats pathetic) she ate 12 hershey kisses. that irritates me. she is also the office tattle tale. if she catches you online, she tattles to the boss, if you are talking about something other than business, she'll tell you to stop. she is a pain!!!! keep in mind this woman is about 55+ years old. old bitty.

lunch time!

$900 hat. who would buy or wear this hat? Posted by Hello

trying on hats. Posted by Hello